1·Make application plans, and prepare relevant works and collect various materials.
2·Make application plans, and prepare relevant works concerning collect various materials.
3·WebSphere 6.0 has many improvements to make application deployment easier and more efficient.
WebSphere 6.0 中包含许多改进,从而使得应用程序的部署更加容易并且更加高效。
4·To obtain a new birth certificate for your son, make application to the Adopted Children's Register.
5·For make application of multimedia being extensive, people get multimedia out of combine and use these new subject.
6·On top of that, there are various media service providers who temporarily make application platforms available to end clients.
7·These integrations help reduce the risk associated with software development and make application development more predictable.
8·At the instance of several persons of influence in this quarter, I am induced to make application for an agency of your company.
经本地数名有影响人士的劝说,我公司愿当贵公司的代理。 惏。
9·Customizations cannot make application-wide changes, such as displaying a new menu item or Ribbon tab when any document is open.
10·Cancer is an integration of many reasons, it will take a long time to make application of genetic technology into diagnosis and treatments.